Our Members
FIG artists are dedicated to individual practice as well as collaboration with each other to engage in exhibitions as a combined group.
We invite you to explore our members, their websites, and their social-media channels. If you are interested in applying to be a member, please visit our Join Us page.
Kirsten (Kit) Aaboe
Instagram: @kitaaboe, @_aaboe_
Facebook: Kirsten Aaboe
Website: kirstenaaboe.com -
Irene Abraham
Instagram: ireneabrahamart
Facebook: irene.abraham.925
Website: ireneabraham.com -
Stephanie Bedwell
Website: stephaniebedwellart.com
Ry Beloin
Instagram: @rybeloin
Jennifer Anne Bennett
Website: jenniferannebennett.com
Instagram: @jenniferannebennett -
Stacie Birky Greene, Director
Instagram: @staciebirkygreene
Facebook: Staciebirkygreene
Website: staciebirkygreene.com -
Doris Bittar
Website: dorisbittar.com
Kerry Campbell
Website: kerrycampbellartist.com
Lauren Carrera
Website: laurencarrera.com
Judith Christensen
Instagram: @judithchristensen.art
Website: judithchristensen.com -
Kelly Clark
Instagram: @kellyclarkcreative
Website: kellyclarkcreative.com -
Linda Rae Coughlin
Website: theartrugs.com
Lisa Croner
Website: lisacroner.com
Crystal Daigle
Website: crystaldaigle.com
Moya Devine
Website: moyadevine.com
Jeanne Dunn
Instagram: @jeannedunnart
Facebook: Jeanne Dunn
Website: jeannedunn.net -
Linda Frueh
Website: lindafrueh.com
Nilly Gill
Instagram: @nillygill
Grace Gray-Adams
Instagram: @gracegrayadams
Janice Grinsell
Instagram: @consideredlight
Website: inwarddreams.com -
Michele Guieu
Website: micheleguieu.com
Instagram: @micheleguieu -
Daphne Hill
Instagram: @daphnehill4real
Jane E. Hindman
Instagram: @artistjaneehindman
Website: janeehindman.com -
Prudence Horne
Website: prudencehorne.com
Terri Hughes-Oelrich
Website: terrihughesart.com
Instagram: @hughesoelrich -
Lisa Hutton
Website: lisahutton.net
Hannah Johansen
Website: hannahjohansen.com
Asa Kvissberg
Website: asakvissberg.com
Linda Litteral, Director Emeritus
Instagram: @lindalitteralartist
Facebook: Linda Litteral Artist
Website: lindalitteral.com -
Kelly Marshall
Website: kellymarshallfineart.com
Grace Matthews
Website: gracematthews.blogspot.com
Kathi McCord
Website: www.kathimccord.com
Bhavna Mehta
Website: bhavnamehta.com
Kathy Miller
Kathleen Mitchell
Website: kathleenmitchellglass.com
Alessandra Moctezuma
Instagram: @almagratia
Nanette Newbry
Instagram: @nanettenewbry
Facebook: facebook.com/nanette.newbry
Website: nanettenewbry.com -
Kathy Nida
Instagram: @knida
Website: kathynida.com -
Kim Niehans
Website: kimniehansart.com
Stacy Nixon
Website: stacynixonart.com
Ann Olsen
Website: annkolsen.blogspot.com
Susan J. Osborn
Website: osbornart.com
Judith Parenio
facebook: judith.parenio
Amy Paul
Website: artbyamypaul.com
Mary Pennell
Website: marypennell.com
Terrilynn Quick
Website: thegrandgalleria.com/terrilynn_s_art -
Momilani Ramstrum
Instagram: @momilaniramstrum
Website: momilaniramstrum.com -
Helen Redman
Website: helenredman.com
Instagram: redman_helen
Facebook: Helen Redman -
Jiela Rufeh
Instagram: @jielarufehart
FaceBook: @Jiela Rufeh Art
www.JielaRufeh.com -
Laura Richwood
Instagram: @llrichwoodpaintings
Website: llrichwood.com -
Therese Rossi
Bridget Rountree
Instagram: @bridgetrountree
Facebook: Bridget Rountree
Website: bridgetrountree.com -
Amanda Saint Claire
Website: amandasaintclaire.com
Jennifer G. Spencer
Website: jennifergspencer.com
Anna Stump, Founder
Instagram: @amstump, @hill_and_stump
Facebook: www.facebook.com/amstump
Website: annastump.com -
Akiko Surai
Website: akikosurai.com
Elizabeth Tobias
Instagram: @elizabethtobias
Website: elizabethtobiasarts.com -
Pasha Turley
Website: pashaturley.com
Minnie Valero
Website: minnievalero.com
Ruth Wallen
Website: ruthwallen.net
Kelly Watson
Website: kwatsondesign.com
Leah Younker
Anna Zappoli
Cindy Zimmerman
Instagram: @cindyzimmermanartist
Facebook: Cindy Zimmerman Artist
Website: cindyzimmerman.work